Media Suffolk
Media Suffolk

There are two parliamentary constituencies in this area. Each constituency has one MP. The MPs are all available at regular advice surgeries to meet with constituents.

Follow the below links to find contact details for each MP and information regarding their advice surgeries:

The below Members of the European Parliament (MEP’s), elected in 2014 by proportional representation, represent the East of England as a whole. Contact any of them, using the below links to find contact information, for help and advice on European matters.

Ipswich Borough Council

Suffolk county music service

Suffolk County Music Service

Music service instrumental tuition

Suffolk County music service works with schools, teachers and other professionals to:

  • Encourage the development of pupil’s musical potential
  • Demonstrate the positive impact of musical participation in the lives of children and young people
  • Extend the range of music provision available across the county
  • Improve the quality of music teaching and learning, and as result improve the experience for pupils

The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme

The Suffolk County Music Service (SCMS) is able to offer instruments for sale to pupils, which may either be VAT free and/or benefit from educational discount. These savings can be passed on to the pupils if certain conditions are met (see below*). The scheme only applies to new instruments, it is not possible to purchase second-hand instruments through the scheme, regardless of their condition/age.

Why have a scheme?

  • To encourage lifelong learning by enabling pupils to have access to their own instruments
  • Ownership of own instruments encourages the child, and feelings of pride, interest and involvement
  • To provide professional advice and information about purchase of instruments from Suffolk County Council approved suppliers, including warranty and after sales service
  • To maintain maximum availability to new pupils needing to borrow from our own limited supply of instruments

VAT Free

This scheme operates with regard to the guidance given by HM Revenue & Customs and governs the sale of goods closely related to the provision of education. Education provided by the local authority (Suffolk County Council) is treated as a non-business activity. The Local Authority is therefore able to obtain refunds of VAT in certain cases.

*Conditions of the Scheme

  1. The instrument must be for the direct use of the pupil and is necessary for delivering their education
  2. The tuition must form part of the normal school curriculum
  3. The instrument is required for regular classroom use (regular is defined as: must be brought to school on at least a weekly basis)
  4. The instrument is portable
  5. The pupil must be receiving tuition in a Local Authority Maintained school from a Suffolk County Music Service appointed tutor
  6. The instrument must be appropriate to the needs of the pupil
  7. The instrument must be handed to the pupil in the school teaching room

Suffolk Youth Music (SYM) Members

If the pupil is not receiving lessons in school from the SCMS, but is a member of a SYM instrumental activity, then it may still be possible to purchase an instrument through the SCMS.

The Conditions of the Scheme for SYM members are exactly as above, except that the pupil may attend any school, i.e. including Academies, Free, and Independent schools; they must show regular and on-going attendance of a SYM activity in which they use the instrument; and the instrument would have to be handed to the pupil within the SYM activity premises.

Administrative Charge

An administrative charge of £12.00 (incl. VAT) is added to the cost of the instrument.

What You Need To Do Next

If you have not already done so, you may wish to ask your Music Tutor for advice on the most appropriate make and model of instrument for you. You may be investing a considerable sum of money and need to be sure that the instrument is appropriate for your needs. In most cases there are a number of good alternative makes and models which can vary in price. Unless you ask us to quote for a specific model, we will usually send you a quote for 2 - 4 instruments all known to be good alternatives.

Next contact the SCMS office on the telephone numbers listed, and we will ask you a few questions, to ensure your eligibility to access the scheme. Once we are sure you are eligible, we will send you a quotation. You need to ask your parent/carer to sign this form and return it to us with payment. Payment can be made on-line, or by cheque, postal order or cash (please do not put cash in the post).

We will then place an order for the instrument, and delivery will be made to the SCMS at the Northgate Arts Centre. (If paying by cheque we need to ensure this has cleared before placing the order). The instrument will be checked by the tutor and then given to you during your lesson at school.

Delivery of the instruments can vary according to the supplier's stock, the time of year when demands may increase, and the make and model of the instrument. As a general rule, instruments take approximately 4 weeks to arrive, though in some cases can take several months if they need to be imported or if there is a waiting list. Please ensure you leave enough time for delivery, particularly if the instrument is needed to replace a loan instrument which is due for return. Note: You should also allow plenty of time to order before the end of term, otherwise the instrument handover may be delayed until the beginning of the new term.

Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme FAQs



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